

Aug 22, 2023

Auckland Transport’s Gift and Hospitality Policy

AT is a public entity and there is heightened sensitivity around AT employees and representatives (AT Staff) who receive benefits by virtue of their position. AT Staff, together with our suppliers, need to be mindful of this sensitivity and avoid accepting or offering gifts which might generate public interest or bring AT into disrepute.

It is important that AT Staff are not compromised – or perceived to be biased – by the receipt of gifts, benefits or hospitality (collectively – gifts).

Any gift worth $30 or less is considered a token gift and may be accepted. Examples of token gifts include low value business courtesies (e.g. pens and notepads) and modest hospitality (e.g. light refreshments during a meeting). Our policy is that no more than three token gifts can be accepted from the same supplier in a year.

In limited circumstances, AT Staff can accept gifts with a value greater than $30, provided they relate to either training opportunities or sponsored events (and meet the specific requirements AT has in relation to these, such as being modest in nature, relevant to the person’s role, and there is a genuine need for AT to be represented).

Any gift offered to AT Staff that is greater than $30 needs to be declared by AT staff, irrespective of whether it is accepted or declined. Staff are encouraged to declare all gifts offered to them.

Any gift that is worth more than $30 and does not relate to training opportunities or sponsored events should not be offered to AT staff, as we require such gifts to be declined and declared.

There are other specific gifts which, irrespective of value, AT staff are not permitted to accept (and should not be offered):

Any gift which could be seen as a reward or inducement, or which creates a perceived conflict or obligation, must not be offered – irrespective of the gift’s value. No gifts from anyone involved in a current or impending procurement process should be offered to AT staff or others involved in the procurement process.

We appreciate that AT’s Gifts & Hospitality Policy is less permissive than other organisations. However, this is necessary due to the public nature of our work and the increased sensitivity that this comes with. We are grateful for your understanding and compliance with our Policy.

For further information, please contact your AT representative, or reach out to our Policy team at [email protected].

token gift