

Jul 28, 2023

“Building People” In Caribbean Tourism: A Q&A With Barry Collymore Of Mount Cinnamon Hotel And WISH Grenada

Views and reasonings at Mount Cinnamon with Barry Collymore

Barry Collymore is on a mission to change the face of Caribbean tourism. His gem of a boutique resort in Grenada, Mount Cinnamon, embodies all that’s right about hotels in the region, but the journalist-turned-developer-turned-educator now looks to make broader systemic impact via the West Indies School of Hospitality, or WISH Grenada. On the terrace of a plush villa-with-a-view at Mount Cinnamon, Barry and I sat down for a chat about his journey and how it resulted in him making a groundbreaking WISH.

BAZ Take us through your career journey. How did you come to owning this very magical property?

BARRY It started off with me just wanting to explore and do more, through travel. So I left my native Barbados. I wanted to see the world. I traveled a lot because I worked as a journalist, covering the region. I then went into PR, and then went and did my Master's degree in England, and I came back to Grenada because Grenada just had something really magical about it. I worked in academia, teaching at St. George's University for a bit, in the business school. And then I got into hotel development. And actually this property was one of the first that we developed. I was on the board of the development company that owned the hotel. And through the years, we did more and more properties development in Grenada. And eventually I had the opportunity to purchase the property, and I did.

What is even more magical about this is that when I first moved to Grenada, this was the property that I stayed at— I rented here for three years. I went from a tenant to an employee of the property to a board member and now the owner. So it's been a transition and a journey—a slow, patient journey.

BAZ I ask you about that journey because, number one, it's unique. Number two, you've worn a lot of hats and I want in our chat to touch on some of those different hats to talk philosophically about tourism, and specifically tourism in the Caribbean region. We learn a lot about what we do like from knowing what we don't like. So in thinking about this property as it sits in the landscape of other hotels in the Caribbean, are there things that you learned along the way—things you wanted to avoid? What shaped your vision of what Mount Cinnamon would be?

BARRY What we want to be is very uniquely Caribbean. We want to promote what is best about Grenada and the Caribbean. And for us that's very important. Setting a very high-quality Caribbean standard is really important. So not flavoring your ice cream with strawberries, which are not natural here, but flavoring it with coconut, turmeric, molasses, mango—right? Things that are grown here. Building a menu where we can source many of our ingredients here and letting the menu reflect the island and the islands that we are on, rather than trying to impose a menu from Italy or North America.

Allowing the natural friendliness of the Grenadian and Caribbean people to be part of our service ethos, where we are not formal and nobody's wearing a tie. Allowing the natural friendliness and warmth of the Caribbean and Grenadian people to lead the service culture, rather than trying to be too stuck up and too formal. And also in terms of what we wanted: the physical facade of the building to blend into the area where we are located, rather than having it imposed on.

Those are some of the lessons that we learned. There's also a big lesson that I've learned as well. And this is one of the things that has driven me to get so involved in tourism education. We focus a lot on building buildings and we don't focus a lot on building people. And that's one of the things that we are very big on at Mount Cinnamon: training and development, making sure that our team is built from the ground up and making sure that our people are not stuck in a particular area for the rest of their career, but can transition laterally and upwards.

Beach at Mount Cinnamon

BAZ I have to say, one thing I really appreciate about being at this hotel is that I'm hearing local music everywhere. This region is a hub of musical genius, so if I'm at a hotel in the Caribbean and I'm not hearing local music, I'm just confused. Why would you deprive the people of the incredible music produced here? But back to your last point about staff development and support. Tell me about WISH Grenada, your big passion project.

BARRY One of our big challenges is that we are building great resorts in the Caribbean and we are not focusing enough on human development and research, and development in the industry in general. We're building fantastic hotels; We're not so much building people. And that is causing a problem: There is a certain amount of disenfranchisement of the Caribbean hotel workforce. Hotels then have extraordinary costs in respects to importation of labor. And it is causing a problem in terms of maintaining standards in the industry because you have too many transient senior members of your team.

BAZ You just used a powerful word: disenfranchisement. Say more about that.

BARRY We could do a better job in educating our Caribbean people and bringing them to the top level in terms of general managers, executive chefs, those type of positions. Too many people see the hotel industry as an industry where it's about cleaners and cooks. There is nothing wrong with being a cleaner and cook. But if you don't want to be a cleaner and a cook, there has to be a path for you to do something else. And through education and training, I believe that we can put more of our people on that path.

The other thing that we're not doing well as well is we are importing too many of the ancillary skills that go toward supporting hotels. For instance, we don't have enough hotel architects; we don't have enough qualified hotel maintenance people and engineers. We don't have enough qualified hotel construction companies in the Caribbean. So that tends to get exported to Americans—and you can't just have a continuous cycle of importation with no sustainable strategy to maintain and develop your own population. That's one of the things that WISH is trying to do: create paths of access for the Caribbean people to lead in the Caribbean hospitality industry. We have an amazing partnership with E -Cornell and the Culinary Institute of America where we have two schools, The School of Hotel Management and the School of Culinary Arts, and we're training everyone at all levels in service and hotel management. And then we're training chefs into becoming at a higher level in the culinary arts.

BAZ Beautiful. And just so people understand, how is this different from kind of what already exists in the space of hospitality training in the Caribbean?

BARRY One, we have brought two of the best international schools to the Caribbean: E -Cornell and the Culinary Institute of America. And second, we take away encumbrances to learning. Last year we gave out 1500 scholarships in the hospitality sector. We are taking away the cost of education, opening up the path for people so that they are not hampered by financial constraints. The people who need the education and development most are the ones who in most cases don't have the money or the access to money to get the education. What's also unique about WISH is that we're using the available technology where you can work and still study. A lot of our courses are online, they're mobile friendly, they are scalable—you can do 30 minutes, take a break and come back and do another 30 minutes and keep that going.

WISH launched two years ago and so far we have given out close to 2,000 scholarships—mostly in Grenada, but as of this year we've started to roll out throughout the Caribbean. We have a partnership with the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association, the CHDA, which makes which courses available throughout the Caribbean. We also have a partnership with the Blue Diamond Hotel group, which runs Royalton and the Autograph hotels in the Caribbean—they're one of the largest hotel groups in the Caribbean—to roll the courses out in their workforce throughout the region.

BAZ I think a key point that you're emphasizing is that hospitality is artistry, and there's a big difference between service and servitude. There's a way to do tourism with artfulness, with a joy and appreciation of service as love. I noticed immediately, when I arrived at Mount Cinnamon, that the staff—nobody called me “ma'am.” People just outstretched their hands and said, “Hi, I'm so-and-so.” One to one, we're on an even level—no bowing. Because frankly, that's not what people want to experience. And it's not what someone who is working in any hospitality industry should have to perform.

Gardens at Mount Cinnamon

BARRY Yes. We are about, one, empowering our people to a level then where we are able not just to serve our region here, but to have a Caribbean service ethos guide and inform other parts of the world. I see parts of the world that I've traveled to that, if they had a touch of Caribbean friendliness and openness, they'd be amazing. We need to get to the point where we realize that what we have here is very special. It's marketable, it's exportable, and it's very valuable. We need to train our people to a point where the Caribbean service ethos is taught in the great business schools all over the world.

I'd like to see our people get more opportunities and lead internationally, but I would also like to see our product become more unified. What do I mean by that? If the Caribbean were more unified, you'd be able to book a ticket somewhere and then experience five or six different islands quite easily. We need airline routes. We need lower airport costs and government taxes. Too many of our governments are building these over-spec, over-capacity airports that create operational nightmares. We need simple, effective, easy-to-move-through airports. We need to do just like Europe has done: enter one island and then have ease of access to all of the islands.

There needs to be an airline strategy that keeps the airlines in business, helps to lower their costs of doing business. We need a combined, strong Caribbean marketing strategy, where people understand that you can come to Grenada, experience three or four more islands, go to Jamaica or the Turks and Caicos—experience not just that culture but more cultures, which means more memories and more repeat guests.

Finally, what is really important for the Caribbean region is that we as Caribbean people begin to travel to see each other more, which is important because one of the problems with the difficulty in air travel through the region is that because we are not traveling to see each other, we are losing our sense or Caribbean identity. If you don't see each other, you don't learn about each other, you tend to forget about each other. And it is sad that I had the opportunity to travel much more as a child through the Caribbean because of flight costs and ease of flying than my son does. And whereas I had a great desire to travel through the Caribbean, he really doesn't because it's just too difficult. It's easier for him to go on a flight to go to Miami.

BAZ This needs to change, and WISH is part of that process of changing it all—for the better. Thank you, Barry.

Jab Jabs at J'Ouvert in Grenada

LOCAL TIP The best time to visit Grenada to experience the full-on local vibe that Mount Cinnamon serves up so expertly is during Spicemas: Grenada Carnival, held every August. It’s especially touted for its J’Ouvert celebration, during which Grenada’s famous jab jabs—mythological devil characters, part of Carnival traditions throughout the Caribbean—take over the streets of the island in the wee hours of the morning, covered in black oil or charcoal. Building up to the big Monday and Tuesday festivities are top-notch fetes by both the Trinidadian brands we the Carnival tribe know and love—especially Scorch, Sunny Side Up and Silent Morning—but also superb local parties that are unique to Grenada. My favorite ones were Fleet—picture a whole day of playing mas, except you’re on a beautiful yacht dancing all day alongside a fleet of other boats, plus you get to jump in the Caribbean sea during lunchtime—and Ultra, a fabulously lavish all-inclusive fete with stellar performances, delectable food, a beautiful waterfront venue and a sexy crowd that isn’t above getting on bad when the music and vibes take over (getting on bad is good, indeed). Plan ahead as flights and accommodations fill up earlier and earlier by the year, as this excellent Carnival grows in popularity.