

Dec 27, 2023

I'm fat and on holiday and the hotel towels should be reported as a hate crime

A PLUS-SIZE woman who's on holiday has bemoaned the size of her hotel's towels.

Gianna tried to wrap one of the towels around her after coming out of the shower.

But she found that when she attempted to put the towel on, half of her body remained uncovered.

"When you're on holiday and the hotel towels are not made for the Fats," she wrote over her video.

Gianna then added in the caption: "Are they actually just hand towels??

"What a H8 crime. Can't wait till I get my size inclusive towel."

And people in the comments section were quick to relate to Gianna's situation.

"Even when I was underweight, I had this issue. Like, why can’t they be normal size at least?" one person wrote.

"I feel your pain," another added.

"Every time this happens to me… I’m like.. what is this!?! A towel for ants !?"

"I got humbled real quick by the robe in the closet on my first cruise," a third admitted.

"Why did I just burst out laughing?!" someone else wrote.

"This is the realest thing I’ve seen all day. I just bring my own!"

"I bring my own towels and yes it hurts to sacrifice the space in my suitcase," another said.

"Omg ty for this content bc those towels are literally child sized," someone else wrote.

While another commented: "So long as I don’t need to wear it anywhere I like my high slit towel dress.

"Kinda sultry. Maybe I’m going to sing on a piano."

To which Gianna replied: "Seee I thought this too sometimes until I had to share a hotel room with the fam."