

Nov 24, 2023

Man In China Gets Gonorrhoea After Business Trip, Allegedly Contracted Disease From Contaminated Hotel Towel

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The man developed sore eyes and pain while urinating.

By The Must Share News Team - 5 Aug 2023, 5:44 pm

Those who travel often would have received their fair share of advice to take extra caution and for good reason.

Recently, a man in China mysteriously contracted gonorrhoea despite not having engaged in unsafe sexual activities.

Source: 星视频 on Weibo

Some experts have since suggested that the 30-year-old could’ve been infected with the disease after using towels from a hotel he stayed at.

According to reports from Nanning, China, 30-year-old Xiao Li (a moniker transliterated from Chinese) first experienced pain in his eyes.

He described his eyes as being red and watery and initially thought that he had caught conjunctivitis.

Source: 南宁晚报

Despite washing his eyes and using eyedrops, Xiao Li’s condition did not improve.

In fact, the symptoms worsened and he soon had difficulties opening his eye. The 30-year-old also started experiencing pain while urinating.

Later when Xiao Li sought medical attention at a nearby hospital, doctors found that there were yellow secretions oozing from both “severely swollen” eyelids.

These were apparently symptoms consistent with gonococcal conjunctivitis, which happens when the gonorrhoea bacteria comes into contact with one’s eyes.

Xiao Li was later transferred to the dermatology clinic where he was diagnosed with gonorrhoea — a sexually transmitted disease.

What made the diagnosis strange was the fact that Xiao Li did not recall having unsafe sex before developing the symptoms.

After taking some time to jog his memory, Xiao Li recalled going on a business trip some 10 days prior and had used a hotel towel to wipe his eyes and lower body.

Some experts have since suggested that the hotel towel could indeed be the source of Xiao Li’s infection.

Even though gonorrhoea is most commonly spread through sexual activities, it can apparently be spread through other items contaminated with the bacteria. These include:

However, the bacteria is sensitive to environmental conditions such as dry surroundings and extremely hot or cold temperatures.

Thankfully, Xiao Li’s symptoms improved significantly after seeking medical help. His eyes had reportedly returned to normal as of Tuesday (1 Aug).

Source: 南宁晚报

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Featured image adapted from 南宁晚报 and 星视频 on Weibo.

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